The Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (KIEJ) is an interdisciplinary quarterly journal of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University. Over time, the journal’s focus has evolved as the field of bioethics has itself shifted and matured. In its early years, the journal emphasized traditional concerns in bioethics, such as the ethics of clinical research and physician-patient relations, but soon broadened its perspective to include moral issues in emerging medical technologies, like human embryonic stem cell research and genetic testing. More recently, the journal’s purview has expanded to include normative aspects of human health and well-being, such as public health ethics and environmental justice, as well as ethical and social issues in science practice. Today, the editorial team continues to expand the journal’s horizons to keep the journal at the forefront of further developments in the discipline: only fitting for a journal which has for so long been a leader in the field.
Published editions of the KIEJ can be read online and institutional subscriptions to the journal are available for purchase.
The KIEJ seeks to publish philosophically rigorous and empirically informed articles that explore the conceptual foundations and complexities of bioethical issues. The editorial team construes ‘bioethics’ maximally broadly, so as to include ethical, social, and political issues concerning public health, medicine, the environment, the natural sciences, nutrition, human embodiment, and sustainability and development, along with all standard bioethical topics.
For more information, see the KIEJ Manuscript Submission Guidelines.
Quill R Kukla, PhD , Editor-in-Chief
Quill R Kukla, PhD, is a Senior Research Scholar at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics as well as a Professor of Philosophy at Georgetown University. They are also currently a Masters student in Urban and Regional Planning at Georgetown. Their main areas of research are ethics (especially sexual ethics, theories of agency and autonomy, bioethics, and science ethics), philosophy of language, social epistemology, philosophy of science (especially geography and medicine), and anti-oppression philosophy.
Aaron Gray, Managing Editor
Aaron Gray is a PhD student in the Department of Philosophy at Georgetown University. His research interests include political philosophy, philosophy of law, philosophy of disability, practical ethics, and historical injustice.
Madeleine Léger, Assistant Managing Editor
Madeleine Léger is a PhD student in the Department of Philosophy at Georgetown University. Her research interests include epistemology, the philosophy of language, and social philosophy.
Sean Aas, PhD
Department of Philosophy & Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University
John Barugaghare, PhD
Department of Philosophy, Makerere University, Uganda
Nancy Berlinger, PhD
The Hastings Center
Adam Cureton, PhD
Department of Philosophy, University of Tennessee
Dena S. Davis, JD, PhD, Emerita
Department of Religion Studies, Lehigh University
Megan A. Dean, PhD
Department of Philosophy, Michigan State University
Kevin C. Elliott, PhD
Lyman Briggs College, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, & Department of Philosophy, Michigan State University
Stephen John, PhD
Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge
Eva Feder Kittay, PhD, Emerita
Department of Philosophy & Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care, and Bioethics, Stony Brook University/SUNY
Maggie Little, BPhil, PhD
Department of Philosophy & Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University
Alyssa M. Newman, PhD
Department of Sociology & Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University
Jing-Bao Nie, BMed, MMed, PhD
Bioethics Centre, Division of Health Sciences, University of Otago, New Zealand
Vardit Ravitsky, PhD
The Hastings Center; School of Public Health, University of Montreal; Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Keisha Ray, PhD
McGovern Center for Humanities and Ethics, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Alison N.C. Reiheld, PhD
Department of Philosophy, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Joel Michael Reynolds, PhD
Department of Philosophy, Program in Disability Studies, & Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University
Travis N. Rieder, PhD
Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University
Daniel Fu-Chang Tsai, MD, PhD
The Hastings Center; Department and Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Bioethics & Center for Biomedical Ethics, National Taiwan University
Jada Wiggleton-Little, PhD
Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University
Eric Winsberg, PhD
British Academy Global Professor of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge; Professor of Philosophy, University of South Florida