Submit to the KIEJ


*Added January 2025: Authors submitting manuscripts to the KIEJ must confirm that they have not used generative AI to contribute to the content, style, or citations of their manuscripts. The Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal reserves the right to later publicly retract published articles which are found to have breached this condition.

The KIEJ solicits in-depth articles (average 8,000-12,000 words) that combine detailed conceptual analysis with practical engagement. While we accept papers in all areas of bioethics, we are particularly interested in publishing papers that explore ethical and social issues in science practice, or philosophical approaches to health, environmental, and science policy, especially those which situate philosophical and ethical issues in a global context. Please note that the KIEJ does not publish empirical research studies.

Prospective authors should feel free to contact the KIEJ Editorial Team for advice concerning whether their manuscripts are suitable for submission to KIEJ and how to bring them in line with the journal’s mission. Manuscripts already under consideration at another journal will not be considered for publication.

Manuscript submissions should be saved in .doc or .docx format and prepared for anonymous review by removing all author information, which is gathered at a separate stage in the online submission process. Please include an abstract of 100-150 words and make some effort to adhere to the KIEJ Editorial StylesheetAny manuscript given a verdict of ‘Revise & Resubmit’ must be resubmitted with the formatting outlined in the stylesheet.

When you have your files in order, please submit your manuscript via our online system at the link below. Registration is required for new users.